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Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

February 10, 2017

<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">The Trump administration is said to be considering listing a powerful state actor in Iran as a terrorist organization. Indeed, listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, or IRGC, would be unprecedented and would constitute the biggest </span><span style="">escalatory</span><span style=""> step by Washington against Tehran in years. There is&nbsp;<span style=""><a dataquery="#textLink_j1jtu9qd">reportedly</a></span>&nbsp;plenty of pushback already from senior U.S. intelligence and defense officials against adding IRGC to the State Department’s terrorism list. Critics fear such a step would do more harm than good to U.S. interests. Yet irrespective of the decision to officially designate it or not, a review of the IRGC’s actions has its merits.</span></p>

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

February 10, 2017

<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">The Trump administration is said to be considering listing a powerful state actor in Iran as a terrorist organization. Indeed, listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, or IRGC, would be unprecedented and would constitute the biggest </span><span style="">escalatory</span><span style=""> step by Washington against Tehran in years. There is&nbsp;<span style=""><a dataquery="#textLink_j1jtu9qd">reportedly</a></span>&nbsp;plenty of pushback already from senior U.S. intelligence and defense officials against adding IRGC to the State Department’s terrorism list. Critics fear such a step would do more harm than good to U.S. interests. Yet irrespective of the decision to officially designate it or not, a review of the IRGC’s actions has its merits.</span></p>

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

February 10, 2017

<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">The Trump administration is said to be considering listing a powerful state actor in Iran as a terrorist organization. Indeed, listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, or IRGC, would be unprecedented and would constitute the biggest </span><span style="">escalatory</span><span style=""> step by Washington against Tehran in years. There is&nbsp;<span style=""><a dataquery="#textLink_j1jtu9qd">reportedly</a></span>&nbsp;plenty of pushback already from senior U.S. intelligence and defense officials against adding IRGC to the State Department’s terrorism list. Critics fear such a step would do more harm than good to U.S. interests. Yet irrespective of the decision to officially designate it or not, a review of the IRGC’s actions has its merits.</span></p>

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard Is the Right Move

February 10, 2017

<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">The Trump administration is said to be considering listing a powerful state actor in Iran as a terrorist organization. Indeed, listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, or IRGC, would be unprecedented and would constitute the biggest </span><span style="">escalatory</span><span style=""> step by Washington against Tehran in years. There is&nbsp;<span style=""><a dataquery="#textLink_j1jtu9qd">reportedly</a></span>&nbsp;plenty of pushback already from senior U.S. intelligence and defense officials against adding IRGC to the State Department’s terrorism list. Critics fear such a step would do more harm than good to U.S. interests. Yet irrespective of the decision to officially designate it or not, a review of the IRGC’s actions has its merits.</span></p>

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