Vatanka Reports
News and Analysis on the Greater Middle East

Netanyahu and Iran: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Messenger (Haaretz)
July 30, 2018
<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">Tehran, it's Little Satan calling: As </span><span style="">conflict</span><span style=""> between Israel and Iran looms over Syria, Netanyahu seeks to pressure Tehran by addressing Iranians directly. But what if Israeli and Iranian citizens themselves built their own anti-escalation, anti-war dialogue?</span></p>

Netanyahu and Iran: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Messenger (Haaretz)
July 30, 2018
<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">Tehran, it's Little Satan calling: As </span><span style="">conflict</span><span style=""> between Israel and Iran looms over Syria, Netanyahu seeks to pressure Tehran by addressing Iranians directly. But what if Israeli and Iranian citizens themselves built their own anti-escalation, anti-war dialogue?</span></p>

Netanyahu and Iran: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Messenger (Haaretz)
July 30, 2018
<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">Tehran, it's Little Satan calling: As </span><span style="">conflict</span><span style=""> between Israel and Iran looms over Syria, Netanyahu seeks to pressure Tehran by addressing Iranians directly. But what if Israeli and Iranian citizens themselves built their own anti-escalation, anti-war dialogue?</span></p>

Netanyahu and Iran: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Messenger (Haaretz)
July 30, 2018
<p class="font_8" style=""><span style="">Tehran, it's Little Satan calling: As </span><span style="">conflict</span><span style=""> between Israel and Iran looms over Syria, Netanyahu seeks to pressure Tehran by addressing Iranians directly. But what if Israeli and Iranian citizens themselves built their own anti-escalation, anti-war dialogue?</span></p>